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Classification of PTSD and Depression From Tweets

The costs of mental and neurological health problems in the United States are staggering, estimated at over $760 billion per year. One in five people in the U.S. experience a mental health problem in a given year, and mental health and substance abuse disorders are some of the leasing causes of disability worldwide [1].

Language plays an important role in diagnosing many mental and neurological health problems. This is where we come in. Our aim is to find out whether we can reliably identify people with mental health issues (clinical depression and Post-Traumantic Stress Disorder (PTSD)) based on their Twitter activity. If so, this technology could lead to inexpensive screening measures to be employed by healthcare professionals.

Here are the materials that you should download for this assignment:

Important Note about Data

This homework assignment involves sensitive mental health data. Therefore in order to obtain the dataset, you will need to complete CITI Human Subjects Training (~30 mins) and sign a release form. To do so, please following the following steps:

  1. Complete CITI Training for Human Research with the Learner Group set as “Students – Class Projects.” This should take roughly 30 minutes.
  2. Read and sign this Data Use and Confidentiality Agreement
  3. Put your CITI Completion Report and a PDF of your signed data agreement into this Google folder.
  4. Fill out this form when you are done.

If you’re working in pairs, both partners need to follow the above steps.

The instructor will then send you the data.

The Task

Task Basics

Our goal is this: Given a set of a person’s tweets (and their associated metadata), predict whether that person suffers from depression, PTSD, or neither of these (control). Specifically, we will create three models – one for each pairwise distinction:

  1. PTSD vs. control
  2. depression vs. control
  3. PTSD vs. depression


Each model takes as input a pair of conditions to distinguish between (we’ll refer to them as conditionPOS and conditionNEG), and a list of people actually having either conditionPOS or conditionNEG. The model should re-rank the list of people such that those most likely to have conditionPOS are at the top, and those most likely to have conditionNEG are at the bottom.

The evaluation metric we will use is called average precision:

\[AP = \frac{1}{|R|} \cdot \sum_{i=1}^n prec(i) \cdot relevance(i)\]

where \(R\) is the set of relevant people (i.e. people belonging to conditionPOS), \(n\) is the total number of people being ranked, \(prec(i)\) gives the precision at the \(i\)-th person, and \(relevance(i)\) is an indicator variable denoting whether the person ranked at position \(i\) belongs to conditionPOS. For example, imagine there are 5 ranked people with conditions as follows:


i.e. the conditionPOS people have been ranked at positions 1, 3, and 5. The average precision, then, would be:

\[(1/3) \cdot ((1 \cdot 1) + (\frac{1}{2} \cdot 0) + (\frac{2}{3} \cdot 1) + (\frac{2}{4} \cdot 0) + (\frac{3}{5} \cdot 1)) = 0.756\]

The Data

The dataset consists of a meta file and train and test directories. The meta file is a .csv with information about each user, including an (anonymized) twitter handle, age, gender, tweet count, and experimental condition (ptsd, depression, or control). Each user also has an assigned chunk index, which refers to the location of that user’s data in the train or test directory.

The tweets themselves are contained in the train and test directories. Each directory contains numbered chunks of tweets, with each chunk having tweets from a list of users. Within the test directory, we have partitioned the test data into a dev and test set, with the dev set consisting of chunks 60-65 and test data in chunks 66-89.

We have provided a simple interface for you to access the data in

>>> import util
>>> traindata = util.load_data('train')
>>> devdata = util.load_data('dev')
>>> testdata = util.load_data('test')

The above function returns a list with a tuple pertaining to each user, consisting of the user’s anonymized handle, metadata, and bytestring of tweets in JSON format. Here’s an example for a user with just a single tweet:

>>> print(traindata[26])
 {'age': '23.25827563', 'num_tweets': '1', 'gender': 'F', 'condition': 'depression'}, 
  b'{"truncated": false, "text": "RT @nk3emnE_v: #AustinMahoneTour #TheSecret", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "id": 5274362989788256320, "favorite_count": 0, "retweeted": false, "entities": {"symbols": [], "user_mentions": [{"indices": [3, 13], "screen_name": "nk3emnE_v", "id": 1826430017237194737, "name": "", "id_str": "1826430017237194737"}], "hashtags": [{"indices": [38, 55], "text": "AustinMahoneTour"}, {"indices": [56, 66], "text": "TheSecret"}], "urls": [{"url": "", "indices": [15, 37], "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}, {"url": "", "indices": [67, 89], "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "id_str": "5274362989788256320", "retweet_count": 2046, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "retweeted_status": {"truncated": false, "text": " #AustinMahoneTour #TheSecret", "in_reply_to_status_id": null, "id": 7633155867008109733, "favorite_count": 7, "retweeted": false, "entities": {"symbols": [], "user_mentions": [], "hashtags": [{"indices": [23, 40], "text": "AustinMahoneTour"}, {"indices": [41, 51], "text": "TheSecret"}], "urls": [{"url": "", "indices": [0, 22], "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}, {"url": "", "indices": [52, 74], "expanded_url": "", "display_url": ""}]}, "in_reply_to_screen_name": null, "id_str": "7633155867008109733", "retweet_count": 2046, "in_reply_to_user_id": null, "user": {"verified": false, "geo_enabled": false, "followers_count": 33417, "lang": "en", "utc_offset": 3600, "statuses_count": 93608, "friends_count": 17658, "screen_name": "nk3emnE_v", "favourites_count": 12840, "url": null, "created_at": "Fri Jul 06 13:04:22 +0000 2012", "time_zone": "Sarajevo", "listed_count": 209}, "geo": null, "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null, "possibly_sensitive": true, "lang": "und", "created_at": "Sun Apr 13 08:54:28 +0000 2014", "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, "place": null}, "screen_name_statistics": {"has_underscore": false, "contains_swear": false, "has_digits": false, "contains_mental_health_condition": false, "has_chars": true}, "user": {"verified": false, "geo_enabled": false, "followers_count": 0, "lang": "fr", "utc_offset": null, "statuses_count": 1, "friends_count": 19, "screen_name": "b2WSKSO_G", "favourites_count": 0, "url": null, "created_at": "Sun Mar 30 21:53:58 +0000 2014", "time_zone": null, "listed_count": 0}, "geo": null, "in_reply_to_user_id_str": null, "possibly_sensitive": false, "lang": "und", "created_at": "Sun Apr 13 09:20:14 +0000 2014", "in_reply_to_status_id_str": null, "place": null}\n'

You can access a particular element of tweets for a given user using the helper function util.get_tweets_element. For example, to extract the text of each tweet from the same user, run:

>>> tweettext = util.get_tweets_element(train[26][-1], elem='text')
>>> print(tweettext[0])
RT @nk3emnE_v: #AustinMahoneTour #TheSecret

Part 0: Evaluation Script

For this homework, we’d like you to write the evaluation metric in the evaluation script. We’ve provided starter code in Your task is to implement the Average Precision metric described above.

In order to validate that your implementation is correct, we provide a sample output file (output/random/dev_ptsd_control.txt) with PTSD and control users from the dev set in random order. Running the following command:

python3 ptsd control ../output/random/dev_ptsd_control.txt

should get you a score of 0.3758.

Part 1: The Baseline

Our baseline follows the approach proposed by Coppersmith et al. [2]. We will utilize an character-level language model like those we implemented in Homework 3. We will build one language model for each condition: PTSD, depression, and control. Depending on the distinction we are trying to model (e.g. conditionPOS vs conditionNEG), we use two of the three language models to obtain a confidence score for each user.

For task conditionPOS vs conditionNEG: the output of the code will rank a given list of users in terms of most confident to have conditionPOS to least confident to have conditionPOS (i.e. most confident to have conditionNEG). All the details for performing these tasks are described below step-by-step:

Part 1A: Extract Data Into Training Files

Once you have downloaded the data, the first step is to create a training corpus corresponding to each condition. Each corpus should contain all tweets from persons in the training set having the indicated condition.

We have provided a script to enable you to do this:


By the end of this section, you should have three text files: control_text.txt, depression_text.txt, and ptsd_text.txt located in data/lm-training-text.

Part 1B: Train Smoothed Character-Level Language Models

As you probably remember from Homework 3, the language model helps us “characterize” a body of training text by recording the probability of a letter following a history. For the purposes of achieving a fast runtime, the baseline LM uses an order of 1. This performs sufficiently well, but you are also welcome to train a higher-order model.

Since you’ve already built a smoothed character-level language model in the past, we’re providing you with the code in

Your task is to use the language model script to generate language models for each of the three target conditions. You can output the three models in models folder in the provided code skeleton or to a location where you can access them later.

For instance, to build the model for depression (depression_model), you can use the following command:

python3 ../data/lm-training-text/depression_text.txt ../models/depression_model

Part 1C: Predict Subjects’ Condition using Language Models

Given language models for conditionPOS and conditionNEG, along with a set of a person’s tweets, our goal is now to score that person based on how much more their tweet text aligns with the LM for conditionPOS as opposed to the LM for conditionNEG. To do this we will use a method proposed from Coppersmith et al.:

\[\frac{\sum_C \text{log}p(c_{POS}) - \text{log}p(c_{NEG})}{|C|}\]

where \(C\) is the list of characters in a tweet, and \(\text{log}p(c_{X})\) gives the log probability of the tweet under language model \(X\).

Your task is to complete the code skeleton for the function score_subjects provided in Once you’re finished, you will have a script that you can call in the following manner to produce a ranked list of users in the selected dataset, given language model files produced by


Use this script to create outputs for the dev and test data for the following experiments:

(conditionPOS vs conditionNEG)

  1. ptsd vs. control
  2. depression vs. control
  3. ptsd vs. depression

Name the output files generated after running the above three experiments on dev data as : dev_ptsd_control.txt, dev_depression_control.txt, dev_ptsd_depression.txt.
Similarly, for test data, expected output files: test_ptsd_control.txt, test_depression_control.txt, test_ptsd_depression.txt.

Hint: To speed up the runtime, for each user, you can calculate the user’s score based on every 10th tweet and take the median in the end to get the final score for that user.

Implement Extensions

Now that you have met the baseline scores, it’s time to build a better model. Use the skeleton provided in to implement your extended model.

Some ideas for how you might improve on the existing language model implementation include:

  1. Using your favourite sklearn classifier, train a classifier for each : PTSD, depression and control tweets
  2. Clean the raw data further - users could be removed if their tweets were not 75% English, or the tweets could be cleaned of usernames, etc.
  3. Implement another smoothing method for the language model

Use your extended model script to create outputs for the dev and test data for the following same experiments:

(conditionPOS vs conditionNEG)

  1. ptsd vs. control
  2. depression vs. control
  3. ptsd vs. depression

Name the output files generated after running the above three experiments on dev data as : dev_ptsd_control_ext.txt, dev_depression_control_ext.txt, dev_ptsd_depression_ext.txt.
Similarly, for test data, expected output files are test_ptsd_control_ext.txt, test_depression_control_ext.txt, test_ptsd_depression_ext.txt.

Please explain in the writeup why you chose to implement the extension you did, and what quantitative result you obtained with the extension.


Here are the deliverables that you will need to submit:

  • The writeup needs to be submitted as writeup.pdf to the HW9: Report Submission on gradescope: It must contain
    • Baseline model’s scores on the dev and test sets
    • Analysis of the baseline model
    • A description of your extended model
    • Your extended model’s scores on the dev and test sets
    • Any other experiments you tried
  • Your code and output files in a zip folder named as with a README to run. The code should be written in Python3. You must include the outputs of your dev and test data for all the models as described below.
    The submission directory should contain atleast the following files. You can add more files if required.
    • dev_ptsd_control.txt
    • dev_depression_control.txt
    • dev_ptsd_depression.txt
    • test_ptsd_control.txt
    • test_depression_control.txt
    • test_ptsd_depression.txt
    • dev_ptsd_control_ext.txt
    • dev_depression_control_ext.txt
    • dev_ptsd_depression_ext.txt
    • test_ptsd_control_ext.txt
    • test_depression_control_ext.txt
    • test_ptsd_depression_ext.txt

You need to turn in the zipped folder on gradescope.

Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology (CLPsych) -- From Linguistic Signal to Clinical Reality . CLPsych 2015.
CLPsych 2015 Shared Task: Depression and PTSD on Twitter Glen Coppersmith, Mark Dredze, Craig Harman, Kristy Hollingshead, Margaret Mitchell. CLPsych 2015.
From ADHD to SAD: Analyzing the Language of Mental Health on Twitter through Self-Reported Diagnoses Glen Coppersmith, Mark Dredze, Craig Harman, Kristy Hollingshead. CLPsych 2015.
Quantifying Mental Health Signals in Twitter Glen Coppersmith, Mark Dredze, Craig Harman. CLPsych 2014.
Measuring Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Twitter Glen Coppersmith, Craig Harman, Mark Dredze. ICWSM 2014.